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How to be a good wife to my husband

How to be a good wife to my husband

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As a woman, to be a good wife and a mother to your husband and child, you have to have all these qualities that a good woman should have to keep your marriage.

Even the bible, itself says that a good wife keepth her family. Here are the steps to make a good wife, mother, and mentor to your spouse and children.

 Express your love

Loving is not enough to spicy your marriage but also requires expression of that love. So if you love your husband, be affectionate and show him your caring side by expressing how much he means to you.

You don’t have to make elaborate expressions of love every day. It could just be little gestures such as a kiss or a peck on the cheek now and then, or making his favorite breakfast once in a while, or picking a movie he likes to watch together.


Open communication in the marriage by telling your husband what you think or feel and what you expect of him. Talk to your husband – ask, say, and discuss. Avoid the silent treatment, which can make things worse.

Don’t leave your husband guessing about what you want. It will be better to clear your mind, try to figure out what you really want while being honest to yourself, and then communicate that to him.

Be supportive

In marriage, it is requested for both spouses to always support each other, when the partner is having a difficult time.  It is about appreciating or praising him when he achieves a milestone, or when he overcomes his fear and tries something new.

For example, being adaptable and supportive of your husband’s new business idea when you are financially comfortable is a good way to boost his confidence and strengthen the relationship.

Be his best friend

Don’t only be a wife to your husband but a best of friends. Ask him about the game, book, or hobby that he is interested in. Becoming his best friend will bring love that is deep, strong, and genuine in your marriage.

knowing what he loves doing and trying to do it together with him and also helping him to solve problems and find solutions to them.

Allow a healthy friendship to develop between you and your husband, and see what difference it makes to your life.

Respect the person he is

The best marriages are those where the partners respect each other. Your husband is his own individual, with flaws and all. Respect the person he is, not for what he does for you or the family.

Do not belittle, humiliate, strike, or harm your husband, whether in private or public. A little teasing is alright, but insulting is not okay. So watch what you say and think before you speak.

Show an interest in his interests

You don’t have to do things that he likes, but give your husband the space to pursue his interests and show some curiosity about what he’s doing.

Do a little homework and learn about the things he is interested in so that you can have a conversation about that too. Having things that both of you enjoy opens the chance for a conversation or an activity that both of you can do together.

Respect his need for space

Every person needs his or her own space. Even married men need their space at times and may want to retreat to their man cave.

Respect that and give him some space, and allow him to pursue his hobbies and interests that are “only for him”. Restricting your spouse’s freedom and space can be suffocating for them and have a negative impact on the relationship.

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